In today's world, storage batteries are playing an important role, generally, as a backup/ standby power to many telecom sector, computer application to protect from data loss, etc.
Battery Chargers are basically automatic D.C. Power Sources meant to feed the connected load and simultaneously charge the connected Battery, thereby maintaining it continuously healthy &ready to feed the load in an emergency situation of A.C.Supply failure. This arrangement ensures an uninterrupted D.C. Supply to the connected load at all times - by the battery Charger in case of A.C. Power Supply availability or by the Battery in case of failure of A.C.Power Supply.Batteries make available this power source for the successful operation of switching and control devices in power protection system.
But the question arises is “do batteries will always operate when needed to operate?” If yes then the battery should be in good condition always so that it can operate during a power failure and it can be maintained through regular inspection, maintenance and testing of batteries.
If regular inspection or testing is not done then there are many things which can actually reduce the working life of a battery, some of these are listed below
· Absence of proper ventilation
· Deterioration of connections & Leakage
· Variation in voltage from cell to cell
· Battery charger settings
· . Cell post damage
Testing should be done in accordance to, firstly it ensures that the batteries meet the qualifications of both manufacturer and consumer and secondly it provides a reference point for comparison for future testing.
Here testing can be divided into two subgroups
1. Performance testing
2. Qualification testing
Performance testing provided the data about the present condition of the battery, working voltage, capacity, etc and also provides information about any problem in battery which is required to meet with working of the system.
Qualification testing is done to ensure that the capacity of the battery is sufficient or not to meet the system requirements.
Maintenance requirements involve both periodic maintenance and periodic testing. Maintenance includes visual inspection, checking and restoring electrolyte (water) levels, measuring individual cell specific gravity temperature and voltage readings, cleaning and retorquing terminal connections, etc.
Above mentioned tests require some instruments and they are
1. Multimeter
2. Digital hydrometre
3. megger
4. Dc load bank
5. internal resistance testing kit
6. hydrogen gas detection kit
Some common methods of battery tests are
1. Visual inspection- it includes finding location of the crack, leakage, corrosion if any.
2. Float voltage – check battery should not be grounded at either end, instead, it should float with both ends above the ground.This can be checked easily with the help of voltmeter.
3. Specific gravity measurement:- this can be measured with the help of hydrometer.The specific gravity of healthy battery should be in the range of 1.19-1.27. Because Specific gravity is a great way to know the battery’s state of charge.
4. Charging/discharging test- charging/discharging test can be done by knowing the value of current at that instant of time. If the value of current is increasing then it will be the state of charging and vice-versa.
5. Temperature testing- Temperature of battery should be maintained at a specified level, as the life of battery reduces with increase in temperature. Thermal imaging method I used for finding hot spots inside the battery, which indicates high thermal stress in the battery.
6. Impedance testing- Impedance of the battery will increase as the battery deteriorates, while conductance decreases.
7. State of charge (SOC)- it indicates how much of energy is left in a battery.
8. State of health (SOH)- It measures battery ability to deliver current when required to supply.